Preparing for New Growth

You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail. 
~ Isaiah 58:11b

To repent is to take a complete turn-around and walk away from the sin, embracing new perspective and new behavior.

The other day, I removed the flowers and herbs from a small, hard soil bed in our garden and set them aside. I am turning that ground into soil that grows tomatoes. To thrive, tomatoes require a lot of the soil they are planted in.

Before this complete turn-around, I had to rip things out, dig them up, and grind them into fine, loamy soil. I had to throw away the clumps of old roots that hid under the surface and clung desperately to the earth, but would hinder new growth.

I am that patch of ground. 

I’ve been growing and producing, alright. However, in His love, God is taking me – this sunny patch of clay whom He delights in – and preparing me for something better.  

He is putting aside plans. 

He is ripping up expectations. 

He is digging up the hard parts of my heart and making them pliable. 

He is exposing and uprooting old habits and hidden sins and throwing them out. 

He is making room for something new and good and so much more than I can imagine. Because He cares for me – this small plot of soil tucked in a corner.

I have to say that it hurts. I feel vulnerable and I want to hide. There are days, like today, that I am prone to discouragement. 

But I find enCOURAGEment in the Word of God and the words of those who love me. He has plans for me. There is sun and refreshment and new growth coming. 

And I repent and trust that I am in the capable hands of the Master Gardener. 

I know His character and I believe in His promises. O, that He would help me with my unbelief. 

And He does.

Is God working in your life today to prepare you for something new? What old, deep roots need to be thrown away?

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Linking up with:
Monday – Raising Arrows, The Better Mom
Tuesday – Growing Home, Time-Warp Wife, Hip Homeschool Hop
Wednesday – Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well
Thursday – Serving Joyfully, Leaving a Legacy, Giveaway Day with Hip Homeschool Moms
Friday – Womanhood With Purpose, Hope in Every Season
Other – Look What We Did

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. This is such a beautiful post, Tauna, and one I can identify with as I see God working in me, ripping out the weeds and giving me new growth. It can be painful to be pruned, yet when we start to flower and bloom, it’s beautiful! Thanks be to God for His love and mercy!

    Praying God’s blessings on you today, friend!


    1. Proverbial Homemaker

      Thank you SO MUCH for your kind and encouraging words, Keri. I really appreciate them!

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